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Polyisocyanurate insulation, also referred to as PIR, polyiso, or ISO, is a thermoset plastic typically produced as a foam and used as rigid thermal insulation. This closed-cell, rigid foam provides exceptional thermal insulation performance and is a cost-effective solution in both the commercial and industrial sectors.


  • Overall Performance: The closed cellular structure of polyisocyanurate makes it an excellent insulator and exceptionally waterproof with high-compressive strength. It will degrade when exposed to sunlight or physical abuse, so it needs to be protected from the elements. Typically facing or jacketing is applied to the exterior surface of phenolic wallboard and pipe cover to provide outstanding service life and vapor resistance.
  • Physical Characteristics: The closed-cell nature of polyisocyanurate creates a high-performance insulation that is suitable for a multitude of applications. However, it is combustible. The insulating performance of polyisocyanurate insulation is degraded at cold temperatures.
  • Temperature Range: The service temperature ranges from cryogenic [-290° F (-143° C)] to moderate heat Industrial/Commercial applications reaching 350° F (177° C).
  • Environmental Impact: CFC-11 is used in the production of polyisocyanurate Insulation to generate rapid expansion of foam with a closed-cell structure and to provide high R-values.
  • Fabricated Products: DI utilizes advanced CNC equipment and computer nesting software to efficiently fabricate curved segments, pipe cover, fittings, and sheets in various sizes and thicknesses to meet your job site needs. DI utilizes state-of-the-art multi-axis milling machines to fabricate tiles which creates very uniform exact fitting tank head insulation.
  • Reduced Labor Cost: DI fabricated products eliminate in-field fabrication time and cost, allowing you to focus on installation.
  • Applications: Wall board insulation, Pipe Insulation, Curved Segments, Fittings and Tank Heads, Residential, Commercial Buildings,  and Roof Insulation.